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Listing details

Amenities and guest resources


  • How-to

    Edit your listing address

    Find out when and how you can edit your listing's address.
  • How-to

    Customize your map location

    Guests with confirmed reservations will have your listing’s exact location and address. You can choose to show potential guests the general …
  • How-to

    Verifying your listing

    Verifying listings makes it easier for guests to book with confidence. Hosts may be asked to demonstrate that their listing is a real home, …
  • How-to

    How neighbourhoods are determined

    A listing is automatically assigned to a neighbourhood based on its address and this neighbourhood can’t be edited.


Rooms and spaces

  • How-to

    Add or edit photos

    We recommend that you upload a few high resolution photos. You can drag photos into whatever order you want.
  • How-to

    Listing multiple rooms

    You can create a separate listing for each space you have available. Each room will have its own calendar and listing page with the number o…
  • How-to

    Add sleeping arrangements to your listing

    Go to sleeping arrangements and add the number and types of beds.
  • How-to

    Bedroom and bathroom locks for your Room listing

    Guests expect that they will have the option to lock their bedroom or any bathroom they can access. That's why we recommend hosts add locks …
  • How-to

    Selecting bathroom privacy info

    When booking Rooms, it should be clear to guests whether a bathroom is shared, dedicated, or private and attached.
  • How-to

    Listing a Room

    Rooms are great for guests who prefer a little privacy, yet still want to meet someone new and experience the area like a local. Here are so…

Professional photography