You can download or print your travel itinerary for visa purposes, with the option to add your guests' full names or simply display the total number of guests. Plus, you have the option to select the language in which your itinerary will be displayed.
Itineraries can show your guests’ full names or simply show the number of guests on the reservation—it’s up to you. It can be helpful to add the full names of guests if you need to print out your itinerary for a travel visa.
For users in China, please enter your guests' legal names in Chinese or English, according to the itinerary language of your choice.
The itinerary includes:
You can generate the itinerary in a language other than your preferred language. When downloading or printing your itinerary, you'll have the option to choose from a list of common languages.
If the language you need isn’t available, you can try translating the itinerary as a photo or document using Google Translate or another translation app or service.
The number of guests can be changed for reservations that are in progress or haven’t yet started. If you need to change your guest count before printing or downloading your itinerary for visa purposes, find out how to add or remove guests on your reservation.