Suggestions will show after typing in the search input. Use the up and down arrows to review. Use enter to select. If the selection is a phrase, that phrase will be submitted to search. If the suggestion is a link, the browser will navigate to that page.

Activating a listing

You've crafted a sensational listing and you're ready to make your listing public in search results and on your profile page. Make sure your Host account is verified, and your listing is in good standing with our ground rules.

To activate your listing:

Activate your listing on desktop

  1. Click Listings and select the listing you want to edit
  2. Under Listing editor, click Your space
  3. Click Status
  4. Click Listed, and then click List your place

Once you change your status to Listed it's usually visible within 24 hours, but it may take up to 72 hours for this update to be reflected in search results.

You can ask a Superhost ambassador for guidance activating a new listing, which can help you land your first booking.

If you're not quite ready for inquiries or requests, you can update your listing status.

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